1:5:10:365 EcoTip Blog

October 29, 2008

:303 Lightning Rods

Filed under: :303 Lightning Rods — Tags: , , , , , , , , — John Banta @ 12:19 am

Take the 1:5:10:365 challange: Do one thing – for 5 to 10 minutes – 365 days a year to make our home and planet environment better.

1:5:10:303 EcoTip: A residential lightning protection system is an important consideration for helping to protect your home and family.


Source: East Coast Lightning


 Additional Information:

For additonal information on residential lightning systems check out East Coast Lightning 

According to their website:

A single bolt of lightning can carry over 30 million volts of electricity. Lightning can rip through roofs, explode brick and concrete and ignite fires.

In addition to causing structural damage, a single bolt of lightning can wreak havoc with computers, electronic equipment and appliances.

Every year in the United States the number of homes struck by lightning increases. According to the Insurance Information Institute, residential lightning losses exceed a billion dollars annually and represent close to five percent of all residential insurance claims. 

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